Global Network

As a leading global provider of energy storage system solutions, we will continue to focus on expanding our global production, logistics, sales and service network to meet the needs of our customers worldwide.

  • Headquarters

    Ninghai, China
  • Production Base

    Jiangsu, China
    Henan, China
    Zhejiang, China
    Durango, Mexico
  • Sales Service Center

    Shanghai, China
    Shaanxi, China
    Beijing, China

    Melbourne, Australia
    Brisbane, Australia

    Alicante, Spain
    Madrid, Spain
    San Francisco, America
    Mexico City, Mexico
    Nürnberg, Germany
    Porto-Npvo, Benin
    Santiago. Chile
    Bangalore, India
    Tokyo, Japan
    Seoul, Korea


Continuously improve the energy structure with technological innovation and improve the quality of human life.

Creating new life of human with green power.


Continuously improve the energy structure with technological innovation and improve the quality of human life.